Idiom Drawing


  Concepts of Ideas  # 1 -3 

1.  A House of Cards ....

2.  Building a House of Cards ....

3.  When a Hammer is the Only Tool in Your Toolbox, Everything Looks Like a Nail ....

My Chosen Idiom for the Project...
4.  Have a Plan - Work the Plan!  ... 

  1. Why did you choose the objects in your drawing, what is the meaning, and what is the figure of speech you chose?

      • All of the objects are from my family's heritage of multiple generations of General Contractors. Most of the tools pictured were my fathers and they helped him earn a living. The tools were also used by me to help me pay for college. The blue print in the background is the original blueprint my father drew for the house that I was born and grew up in Wauwatosa, WI.
      • The idiom is "Have a Plan - Work The Plan" I changed the idiom from "The right tool for the job" when my sister reminded me that my Father would often say, "Don't half-ass things in life." So I polished it up to what I used to say as a an Engineering leader for my team.
  1. What was the feeling and/or mood you were going for in your drawing?

      • I wanted a feelings of:
        • Order - Hence very purposeful placement of the objects.
        • Heritage - Old School tools - Some no longer used in construction.
        • Use - Not new tools but those with many stories behind them.
        • Plans Yield results - The blueprints, then the tools then the money follows.
        • Detail - I wanted to push myself for more practice in tones and drawing with different medias (graphite 2B to 4H and charcoal)
My Drawing....

"Have A Plan - Work The Plan"
May 2021

- G.J. Schaefer


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